Quebec City winter packing guide so you don’t miss out!
Packing for Quebec in the wintertime is not too difficult, you just have to consider bringing more layers in your bags. The weather is mostly comfortable but because there are so many outdoor activities to do out here in the winter that you are most likely to be outside most of your time here. Having all your outdoor gear will help you enjoy the beautiful weather but also you won’t have to stay inside on those colder days!
If you are looking for some ideas on what to do in Quebec City in the winter, make sure to check out my Quebec City travel guide for some great ideas to have plenty of fun on your trip here!
If you refer to this Quebec City winter packing guide on your next trip to Quebec, you are sure to have everything you need to be warm while enjoying all the outdoor fun!
![Quebec City winter packing guide so you don't miss out!](,h_300,al_c,q_5/file.png)
Outdoor gear
- A good pair of boots: Make sure to bring a good pair of boots to play outside that will keep your feet warm. You can also bring fancier boots for wandering around but don’t forget the warm ones for when you go sliding all day!
- Wool socks: Every time I play outside or even if I’m going walking for a while, I like to wear merino wool socks. They keep feet warm throughout the day.
- Your snow pants.
- Your winter jacket: Don’t forget your winter jacket! That way, you’ll be able to practice a lot of sports while keeping yourself warm. It will also prevent breaking your cute one!
- Scarves, gloves, and hat: Don’t forget the warm ones as well!
- Pants: I like to pack jeans but also some comfortable leggings I can wear under my snow pants while playing outside.
- Shirts
- Sweaters: some cozy ones for your evenings out and some warmer ones for those fun days outside.
- Insulated shirt: Unless it is 0 degrees outside, it is definitely a good idea to be wearing one to keep yourself warm. If you own a pair of insulated pants, it’s good to have them too.
- Underwear and bras
- Pajama
- Bathing suit: For me, this is a must! If your hotel has a pool, a spa, or even an outdoor heated pool, you just never know when you might need it!
- Flip flops: You’ll need them to go to the pool!
![Quebec City winter packing guide so you don't miss out!](,h_1000,al_c,q_20/file.jpeg)
Don’t forget to pack all your toiletries to keep you fresh on your stay in Quebec! Make sure to bring all the accessories you might need on your trip such as sunglasses too!
If you are traveling from outside of Canada, make sure to pack your passport, and get some Canadian currency. Make sure to check if you need an electronic authorization or visa to come to visit.
I always like to bring some electronics so I can entertain myself when there is a little bit of downtime or if I am tired. A good book, or my laptop to watch some Netflix will do the trick. Don’t forget your camera or your phone so you can take some amazing pictures. And of course, make sure to pack all your chargers so you don’t run out of batteries on your trip!
![Quebec City winter packing guide so you don't miss out!](,h_563,al_c,q_20/file.jpeg)
Disclosure: Please note that some of the links above are affiliate links. At no additional cost to you, I earn a small commission if you make a purchase through these links. I would never recommend anything I don’t personally love and use!
Do you want to come and visit? If you have any questions about Quebec City, don’t hesitate to send me an email and I will gladly help you out with your planning!
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![Quebec City winter packing guide so you don't miss out!](,h_300,al_c,q_5/file.png)