ATV/UTV packing guide

ATV/UTV packing guide

Are you searching for an ATV/UTV packing guide?

Whether it’s your first ATV or UTV adventure or you’re an avid rider, you might still need a packing guide for a multi-day ride.

When packing your ATV or UTV, consider bringing many useful items with you.

Having everything you need with you is important, as you might need to make repairs along the way or change clothes.

There is so much to see all around that riding an ATV or UTV is a great way to explore hidden areas you might not be able to see otherwise.

Since I built my cabin, we’ve been using our ATVs quite often to do just that! With time, I’ve been able to perfect the best ATV/UTV packing guide. This way, I don’t have to worry about forgetting something anymore and I can just enjoy the ride.

So without further ado, let me share the best ATV/UTV packing guide with you.

ATV/UTV packing guide

ATV/UTV packing guide: Riding gear

Body protection

Among the ATV accessories to bring and wear on your ATV expedition, you’ll want to have some body protection. Especially if you’re riding an ATV, your body is exposed to the elements but also because if you have an accident, you’ll be more vulnerable.

Using the protection will help protect you if you were to have an accident on the trails.


A helmet is a must to include in your ATV/UTV packing guide! Either driving an ATV or UTV, you’ll need one to use the trails. Make sure you have a comfortable one that has the right fit for your head. You’ll want to avoid having a loose helmet that doesn’t stay on your head properly. This is part of your super important ATV safety equipment!

ATV/UTV packing guide


Goggles are an important item to consider while packing for an ATV/UTV ride. Especially if you don’t have a completely closed-off UTV, you’re going to have some dirt. Wearing goggles will prevent getting anything in your eyes and you’ll also see better while driving.

If you don’t have goggles to go with your helmet, you can always wear a pair of sunglasses you don’t mind scratching or getting really dirty.


Among the things to bring on an ATV trip, you’ll also want to bring a pair of gloves. Depending on the time of year you’re planning to do your ATV/UTV trip, the weather might be a little cooler. A pair of gloves will keep you warm.

Even in the summer time, the weather can get cooler so it’s nice to have them with you. They will also serve as protection for your hands from the dirt, tree branches, and whatever elements around you.

ATV/UTV packing guide

ATV/UTV packing guide: Clothing

Long sleeve shirt

Depending on the weather you are going to have on your expedition, you’ll want to carry at least one long-sleeve shirt. Mainly because even if the weather is warm, when you’re riding in the shade or even just riding in the forest, it will be colder. This way, you’ll have a light shirt to keep you a bit warmer.

If you’re doing your expedition during springtime or fall, you’ll want to include a long-sleeved shirt to use as an extra layer in your ATV/UTV packing guide.

ATV/UTV packing guide

Hiking boots

Bring a good pair of shoes or a pair of boots. Wearing boots would be even better. This way boots will protect your ankles from the elements while riding, such as rocks and branches.

If you need to get off your ATV or UTV for mechanical issues or even just a break, boots will support your feet and ankles better as the ground can be uneven.

One pair is enough. You’ll wear them on your feet for the whole time you’re riding your ATV/UTV. And you won’t take any extra space for boots on your ATV storage space.

Rain gear

Rain gear is always a good idea to carry even though it isn’t supposed to rain during your trip. Sometimes, rain can be unexpected. The forecast might not show any rain for your getaway but the weather can be changing.

Not only will the rain gear protect you from the rain, but it can also help keep you warm by being an additional layer. Even if it is not raining, the trail can be wet and muddy. Having your rain gear, you’ll be able to keep yourself dry.

ATV/UTV packing guide

Insulated clothing

Insulated clothing is one of the main ATV essentials to carry. Weather can change so quickly on the trails. Even during peak summertime, I always make sure to at least have one insulated shirt.

Weather can easily go from super warm to cold. Especially when you ride in the forest without the sun shining on you. If you’re riding towards the top of a mountain, the weather will get colder as you climb.

Being prepared will help you avoid being cold and then freezing for the rest of your ride because you didn’t bring enough layers to wear in case it got colder.

ATV/UTV packing guide: Electronics

Maps, cell phone, GPS

While trails are usually well-signed, it would be best if you had some sort of electronic device to help you with the layout.

Out here in Quebec, you can have access to all the trails the province has to offer online. So you can use your phone to find your direction.

Even though you map out your trip before leaving your house, having a GPS, whether on your phone or a GPS device, can help you out if you ever get lost.

ATV/UTV packing guide

ATV/UTV packing guide: ATV equipment

Tow strap and winch

In your ATV tool kit list, you’ll need to add a tow strap and winch if it isn’t already on your ATV. Even though you are planning to use maintained trails, you never know when these might come in handy.

Especially if you’re riding alone, this can help you get out of a pickle.

If the trails are muddy and you get stuck, you can use these to strap yourself to a tree and then winch yourself out. If you end up outside of the trail and again, you get stuck, these will be your life saver.

Enough Food and Water

If you’re going on a multi-day expedition and are planning to stay at a hotel or any type of accommodation with food, you’ll still want to have a couple of things in your ATV or UTV.

Carry some snacks such as nuts and granola bars. Have a couple of things to drink as well. Staying hydrated is a must while doing any type of sports and riding an ATV isn’t any different.

Have some extras as well. In case you get hungry you’ll have something handy. If your day gets a bit longer than expected, you’ll also have some food nearby to snack on.

ATV/UTV packing guide

Extra fuel

Make sure to have extra fuel written on your UTV trip checklist. Before leaving for your expedition, you’ll want to fuel your ATV or UTV. You’ll also want to add a full fuel tank to your machine.

You can usually have access to gas stations along the way but sometimes they can be far from each other. Your fuel tank isn’t the same as a car so you’ll do less mileage with your ATV.

Having an extra fuel tank will come in handy in cases where your tank gets low and the gas station isn’t near.

Multi-tool and repair kit

Multi-tools and a small repair kit are a must. Not only are they compact so they barely take any space in your ATV, but they can be very helpful in many situations.

If you break down along the way, if you have a flat tire or even if they’re is a loose nut somewhere, you’ll be able to use them to fix whatever is wrong. If it isn’t something major of course!

First aid kit

Going on an ATV or UTV expedition, whether it’s a multi-day thing or just one day, you’ll want to have at least the basic first aid supplies.

Bring some Band-Aids, Advil, Tylenol, Antiseptic cream, and Benadryl. If you know you absolutely need to bring something with you, add it to your first aid kit.

At least if a minor injury occurs, you’ll have some supplies to take care of it.

ATV/UTV packing guide: your trip essentials

Meal planning and preparation

Especially if you’re doing a multi-day expedition, you’ll have to take this into consideration. Riding for the day, you’ll still want to pack some snacks, drinks and probably a lunch you’ll eat somewhere along the way.

If you’re leaving on a multi-day expedition, you’ll have to think about a couple of things. Do you have any meals included or restaurants nearby you can go to? Are those restaurants open while you’ll be in that area?

You can always have lunch and dinner somewhere, just make sure those places will be open for business once you get there.

Some accommodations will offer some ATV packages. This can include your room for the night, dinner and breakfast. It all depends on where you stay. In a case like this, you would only have to consider bringing snacks and lunch with you.

If you do not have the option for food and hotel combined, you might have to consider cooking your food. Check if there is a food market near your accommodation you can stop by to buy some food. Otherwise, you’ll have to bring your own and cook for your own meals.

If you are camping, you’ll need to bring your food but also your supplies to cook. Take the time to think about the best solution for you to make it convenient and easy.

ATV/UTV packing guide

Easy-to-prepare meals

If you choose to bring your own food, take the time to prepare it before you leave. This can save you time but also space. Since space is limited for luggage on your ATV, you want to bring less stuff.

Taking the time to cook your meals at home will help you do just that. It’ll also be quicker to prepare once it is time to eat. You can always just heat it.

You can also choose to bring easy meals to cook that will not take much time to prepare.

High-energy snacks

As I mentioned earlier, bring snacks such as nuts, dried fruits and granola bars. High protein snacks will keep your belly filled longer than empty snacks. These are items to take on a side-by-side ride.

They are small to carry but also filling when you need to eat something to keep you going.

ATV/UTV packing guide

Hydration solutions

Make sure you carry some water with you. Have an easily accessible water bottle while you are riding but have an extra too to refill it when it’s empty.

Waterproof bags

Packing your clothes while going on an ATV adventure can be quite a nightmare. You don’t the the state of the trails before you get to them and the weather can change in a heartbeat too.

You want to keep your clothes dry and clean so you don’t have to wash them once you get to your accommodation or wear dirty clothes the next day because they get muddy. Dry clothes are also more comfortable once you settle in for the night!

If you don’t already have a drybag, purchase one, especially if you plan on going on ATV/UTV expeditions often. It will be worth it.

I bought a big dry bag that we use all the time on our expeditions but also anytime we put our luggage in our pickup box. It is very spacious. You can suck the air out completely. There are straps everywhere to tighten everything up. And it does the job perfectly by keeping everything dry and clean. You can buy the dry bag here!

If it’s a one-time thing, you can always wrap your luggage in a garbage bag. It isn’t foolproof though so you might still have wet or dirty clothes even though you took the precaution.

ATV/UTV packing guide

ATV/UTV packing guide: camping

Sleeping bag

If you plan on camping, make sure to bring your sleeping bags, your pillows and everything you’ll need inside your tent. Such as, you shower caddy with your soap, towel, and cosmetics. On top of your clothes, you’ll need to think about that too.

Keep in mind the weather. If your expedition takes place during spring time or fall, it will be colder at night so make sure you have a warm enough sleeping bag or even bring an extra blanket if needed.


Last but not least, you’ll need your tent in order to sleep while camping. You’ll have to fit it with everything else on your ATV. Make sure you have a compact tent you can use for this.

ATV/UTV packing guide

I hope that this ATV/UTV packing guide has helped you pin point what the important stuff you need to bring will be.

What to wear for ATV riding expedition depends on many factors such as weather, the type of accommodations you’ll stay at just to name a few and it can be jarring to know what to pack especially if you haven’t really done this before.

Taking the plunge and planning that ATV/UTV adventure is another way to enjoy the beauty of our world differently. Making sure you have everything you need will make it easier and a lot more enjoyable!

ATV/UTV packing guide
Disclosure: Please note that some of the links above are affiliate links. At no additional cost to you, I earn a small commission if you make a purchase through these links. I would never recommend anything I don’t personally love and use!

If you want some help planning an ATV trip, need some desperate inspiration to plan an amazing road trip or just plan a new adventure, keep on reading!

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